D.O.C.S -
Saving Lives
One Room at a Time!TM

What Condition Is Your Home In?

D.O.C.S. completes a thorough examination to determine what condition your place of business or residence is in. This necessary task helps to determine the estimated time and upfront cost to our clients.

Delivering a top quality service Every Time!

D.O.C.S. Home CheckUp

A Check Up involves a member of our team coming to do Basic cleaning which includes light dusting, bathrooms and floors. With this package, the client manages to keep their place exactly the way DOCS leaves it. The minimal price is charged.

Good Condition

A Good Condition home, may involve placing a few items back in its place, washing dishes, laundry, dusting, bathrooms and floors. Price varies depending on size of place and number of loads.

Service Required

Serious Condition

A Serious Condition home requires members of our team to come out and not only do a thorough and detailed cleaning but organization as well. It may require us to rearrange the system in place, so that things make more sense and is easily manageable. Prices are typically 50% more than the normal amount.

Critical Condition

A Critical Condition home requires a complete makeover. With this condition, the home is generally in complete disarray and will require members of our team to create an entirely new system. Requires complete organization and a thorough and detailed cleaning. Prices are typically doubled the normal price.

D.O.C.S. Results

D.O.C.S. guarantees top quality service every time. Here is a look at some of the home and businesses we have saved and clients who have enjoyed their clean homes and organized spaces. D.O.C.S. will provide this same level of service and dependability to your home or office.

Client Reviews

"...Other services that I've used lack the personal touch and thoughtfulness..."

E. Myers, Brecksville, Ohio

"...goes above and beyond to ensure phenomenal results. 10 out of 10 I would definitely recommend."

Brittany B., Euclid, Ohio

"...I don’t know what I’d do without her help! I am so grateful!!"

Marissa B., Cleveland, Ohio

"About a year and a half ago, I moved from a single-family home onto a horse ranch with a main house, a Carriage House and 4 barns. I pride myself on being fairly organized, but in the process of moving 20 years of belongings out of one house and into 2 smaller houses in a hurry, things got crazy. One year later after a bunch of good intentions, my house was worse than the day I moved in. I felt like I was drowning in clutter and I had things all over the place. I even had to rent and completely fill the largest storage locker I could find because my new square footage was smaller than my old square footage. Meeting Dominique was like a miracle. I couldn’t wrap my head around how she was going to be able to organize “my things” in a way where I would understand it or ever be able to find anything again. But Dominique always has a plan. With a few specific questions she was able to get to know me and what my organizational needs were in a very short amount of time. She works really fast and provides working solutions that organize a lot of items into small spaces. Her pricing is competitive and fair. She created systems for me and made room where I didn’t know I had any. I think by the time she was done she touched every single thing in my house and organized every drawer, closet, and bathroom, including my office, basement, garage, even a couple of the barns…..everything! She sorted through and organized things I hadn’t seen in my basement for years. I think Dominique actually MADE me money because I now wear clothes, shoes, jewelry and purses that I haven’t worn in years because I can see everything I own now. And I was able to get rid of my storage locker. Her systems are easy to maintain, and I have no problem keeping up with what she put in place for me. I am now going to have her come back once a month just to keep me in line and tweak things as we go. I love her! She literally provides a priceless service and something that I could have never done on my own. I can finally enjoy my things and my spaces! She’s awesome!"

Lisa LoConti
Chardon, Ohio


All members of D.O.C.S are Bonded and Insured. We are committed to providing our clients with excellent cleaning and organizational services. Unlike any other cleaning service, each member undergo a comprehensive training curriculum before they gain their placement on the team. We want to ensure that each member understands Dominique’s vision for the company and are committed to delivering a top quality service every time, just like Dominique!

What type of cleaning specialist are you look for?